I want to spread the life-changing wonders of FIRE to help spark others to financial freedom.

When I was a child, I looked up to female pioneers of publishing and always thought “one day, that’ll be me.” I had a drive to work hard.

Now, juxtapose this feeling with an even more niggling one. The idea that, even though I wanted to work, and had the DNA to be successful at work, I would have to do it until I was in my seventies, or later.

The theory was that after a lifetime of hard slog and dedicated tenure – I could finally afford to retire. But whether or not I’d be able to enjoy that retirement, or even be alive to, was another story.

My finite period on earth would be made up the same way it had been for millions of others – by the exchange of my most precious commodity; time, for money.

So, when my husband and I discovered FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) a number of years ago, it felt like we had stumbled upon something truly amazing. Since then, we have been saving and investing for an early retirement, hopefully decades before we otherwise might be able to. As a writer, I document our journey, opinions, ideas, tips and hacks to help others who believe that an amazing life, outside of work, might be available for them, too.

Thank you for joining us, and we hope you get value out of what you find here.

M + A

Michelle - That Girl On Fire

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